Privacy & Other Policies

Website and Social Media Policies

Legal Information & Website Use
View our legal terms and information regarding the use of our website.

Our Social Media Policy
View our guidelines for our social media sites.

Privacy Policies

Our Privacy Promise
Read about our efforts to protect your information.

Online Privacy Policy
Information about our policies on protecting your privacy online.

HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices
Review our privacy practices for HIPAA covered dental and vision products.

US Employee Privacy Notices
Review our privacy practices for employees.

Your Personal Information
Obtain details about what personal information Pacific Life has collected about you.

Help Us Protect Your Privacy
Read our tips to protect yourself from phishing and other online scams.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policies

Environmental Policy
Read about our efforts to create a positive impact for the planet.

Human Rights Policy
Read about our efforts to respect and promote human rights.

Responsible Investment Policy
Investing responsibly is a key pillar of Pacific Life’s Corporate Social Responsibility program.

Responsible Product Offerings Policy
Read about our efforts to design and manage products and services that enhance the company’s financial strength for the benefit of its mutual policy owners.

Climate Risk Disclosure
Read our responses to the NAIC Climate Risk Survey in alignment with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Legal Policies

New York Confidentiality for Domestic Violence Victims and Endangered Individuals
Information about New York Insurance Law §2612.

Transparency in Coverage provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Access the machine-readable file containing information related to Pacific Life Insurance Company’s group health plan.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy
This policy outlines our commitment to implementing effective health and safety practices and complying with relevant laws and regulations.

Compliance and Ethics Policies

Gifts & Anti-Bribery Policy
Information for our employees about giving and receiving gifts and entertainment and avoiding bribery and other inappropriate payments.

Anti-Fraud Policy
Information for our employees about identifying and reporting evidence of fraud.

Antitrust and Unfair Competition Policy
Information for our employees about avoiding engagement in antitrust and unfair competition practices.

Insider Trading Policy
Information for our employees about Insider Trading and protecting material non-public information.

Preventing Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Policy
Information for our employees about preventing harassment, discrimination and retaliation.

Protection and Proper Use of Confidential and Restricted Information
Information for our employees on protection and proper use of confidential and restricted information.

Reporting Violations, Seeking Help, and Raising Concerns
Information for our employees on reporting violations of our Code of Conduct and the importance of raising concerns.

Code of Conduct
For more than 150 years, our employees have served as the proud stewards of our brand, preserving our integrity, and our reputation as an ethical company.

Vendor and Supplier Policies

Please visit our Enterprise Procurement page for more information.

Pacific Select Distributors Disclosure Documents

Contact Us

If you wish to contact us, you can:

  • See our Contact Us page, which has specific mailing and telephone information, as well as detailed directions to each of our corporate buildings.
  • Send us an email via our Contact Form


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